RUI, established by visionary Rui Zhou in 2019, delves into the intricate duality of existence and the profound connections between entities, offering a philosophical perspective through its creations. Renowned for its distinctive design ethos and artistic textile structures, RUI resonates with young clientele of all body types. While the brand currently thrives in the online sphere, this endeavor seeks to introduce RUI to the offline realm in the U.S., expanding its reach and sharing its narrative with a broader audience. Through meticulously crafted boutique store designs and an innovative online platform, RUI aims to deepen its connection with consumers and elevate its presence in the market.

The app guides users through RUI's brand story and offers a mobile shopping experience, addressing the absence of a dedicated RUI mobile app. With RUI's official website lacking a user-friendly shopping cart function, the app serves as a convenient alternative. Users can also stay updated on RUI's latest events, such as the pop-up shop in Miami, with the app providing guidance throughout the event.

March, 2024


The RUI pop-up store features a pure white cocoon-like architecture, highlighting the brand's delicate, dreamy, and poetic identity. Inside, customers can explore the latest collections from this designer brand. The store's atmosphere, reminiscent of a wet and warm beach breeze, creates a juxtaposed experience for customers. It allows them to feel as though they are inside a cocoon, ready to break through to the colorful real world with RUI's clothing.

Brand Extension

Product Photography

Brand Campaign Animation